Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004

Understanding Davids’ Netherlands Nameset 2004: A Comprehensive Analysis

Smith Smith
By Smith Smith 12 Min Read


The Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 is a pivotal dataset that has significantly impacted the field of onomastics, the study of names. Released in 2004, this nameset provides a comprehensive list of Dutch names that has been widely used in various research projects, databases, and applications. This article delves into the origins, significance, and applications of the Davids Netherlands Nameset, offering a detailed analysis for researchers, data scientists, and anyone interested in Dutch onomastics.

Key Takeaways

  • The Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 is crucial for understanding Dutch naming conventions.
  • It includes a rich dataset of Dutch names, their frequencies, and demographic information.
  • This nameset has applications in sociological research, data analysis, and software development.

Overview of the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004

The Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 represents a valuable resource compiled to provide insights into Dutch names as they were recorded in the early 21st century. This dataset includes a vast array of personal names used in the Netherlands, categorized by gender, popularity, and regional distribution.Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004

Historical Context

The dataset was compiled by Dr. Jos Davids, an expert in onomastics, who aimed to document and analyze naming trends in the Netherlands. This was a part of a broader effort to understand how naming conventions evolve over time and how they reflect broader social and cultural trends.

Dataset Composition

The nameset includes:

  • First Names: A comprehensive list of given names, including both common and rare names.
  • Last Names: A detailed account of surnames, reflecting their frequency and distribution.
  • Demographic Information: Data on the geographic distribution of names, including regional variations.


This nameset is invaluable for various applications, from academic research to practical uses in software development and demographic studies. It provides a snapshot of Dutch naming practices at the turn of the 21st century, serving as a baseline for comparative studies over time.

The Impact of the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 on Research

The Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 has had a profound impact on various fields of research, including sociology, linguistics, and computer science. Here’s how it has been utilized:

Sociological Studies

Researchers have used this dataset to analyze naming trends and their correlation with social factors such as ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and regional differences. For example, studies have examined how naming conventions reflect cultural identity and social changes in the Netherlands.

Linguistic Analysis

Linguists have explored the dataset to understand the evolution of Dutch names, including the influence of foreign languages and historical events. The dataset provides a rich source of data for studying name formation, pronunciation changes, and linguistic patterns.

Computational Applications

In computer science, particularly in natural language processing (NLP), the dataset has been used to train algorithms for name recognition and classification. This helps in creating more accurate models for tasks such as automated data entry and identity verification.

Detailed Breakdown of the Dataset

To fully appreciate the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004, it’s essential to understand its structure and contents. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Names by Gender

The dataset categorizes names into male and female, providing frequency counts for each category. This helps in analyzing trends such as the popularity of certain names over time and the gender distribution of names.

Popularity Metrics

Names are ranked based on their popularity, offering insights into which names were most common in the Netherlands in 2004. This can be useful for identifying trends and shifts in naming practices.

Regional Distribution

The dataset includes information on the geographic distribution of names, showing how certain names are more prevalent in specific regions. This aspect is particularly useful for regional studies and understanding local naming conventions.

Data Accuracy and Sources

The data was collected from various official records, including birth registries and public databases. The accuracy of the dataset is supported by its comprehensive source material and meticulous compilation process.

Applications of the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004

The Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 is utilized in various practical applications, showcasing its versatility and importance.

Academic ResearchDavids Netherlands Nameset 2004

Academics use the dataset to conduct longitudinal studies on naming trends and cultural shifts. It provides a historical snapshot that can be compared with contemporary data to analyze changes over time.

Marketing and Branding

Companies involved in marketing and branding may use the dataset to tailor their campaigns to specific demographics. Understanding name trends can help in designing products and services that resonate with target audiences.

Software Development

Developers use the dataset to enhance name-related functionalities in software applications. For instance, it can be used to improve name recognition algorithms or to create more realistic data for testing purposes.

Policy Making

Government agencies and policy makers may use the dataset to inform decisions related to social services, such as planning educational resources or understanding demographic changes.

Challenges and Limitations of the Dataset

Despite its usefulness, the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 has certain limitations and challenges that users should be aware of:

Data Completeness

While comprehensive, the dataset may not cover all names used in the Netherlands, particularly those that are extremely rare or newly introduced.

Temporal Relevance

The dataset reflects naming trends from 2004, and subsequent changes in naming practices may not be represented. Researchers need to complement it with more recent data for current analyses.

Regional Variations

The dataset provides regional distribution but may not capture all local variations in naming conventions, especially in diverse urban areas.

Data Privacy

Handling of personal data must adhere to privacy regulations, and users should ensure that the dataset is used in compliance with legal and ethical standards.

How to Access the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004

Accessing the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 may involve several steps, depending on the intended use:

Academic Institutions

Many universities and research institutions have access to the dataset for academic purposes. Researchers affiliated with such institutions can often obtain it through their libraries or research departments.

Government Databases

Some government databases may provide access to historical naming records that include or are related to the Davids nameset. Checking with national or regional statistical offices can be helpful.

Online Platforms

Certain online platforms and databases may host the dataset or offer access through data-sharing agreements. It’s advisable to explore academic and research-oriented websites for availability.

Purchase or Licensing

In some cases, the dataset may be available for purchase or through licensing agreements. Contacting the organization or individual responsible for the dataset may provide options for obtaining it.

Comparisons with Other Namesets

Comparing the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 with other namesets can provide additional insights into naming trends and practices.

European Namesets

Comparing with namesets from other European countries can highlight regional differences and similarities. For example, comparing Dutch names with those from Belgium or Germany can reveal cultural and linguistic influences.

Historical Namesets

Examining historical namesets from earlier periods can show how naming conventions have evolved over time. This can be particularly useful for historical research and understanding long-term trends.

Global Namesets

Comparing the Davids nameset with global namesets can offer a broader perspective on naming practices and how they vary across different cultures and regions.

Understanding the future trends in Dutch naming practices can provide context for the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004.

Influence of GlobalizationDavids Netherlands Nameset 2004

Globalization is likely to influence Dutch naming practices, with more international names becoming common. This trend can be observed in recent name data and will likely continue.

Cultural Shifts

Cultural changes, including shifts in values and societal norms, may affect naming practices. Monitoring these changes can help in understanding how names evolve in response to broader social trends.

Technological Advancements

Technological advancements, including the rise of digital platforms and social media, may influence naming trends. Analyzing how these factors impact name selection and popularity can provide valuable insights.

Practical Tips for Using the Nameset

For those looking to make the most of the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004, here are some practical tips:

Ensure Data Accuracy

Always verify the accuracy of the data before using it for research or application purposes. Cross-checking with other sources can help ensure reliability.

Consider Context

When analyzing the dataset, consider the historical and cultural context of the names. This can provide a deeper understanding of naming trends and their significance.

Use Supplementary Data

Complement the nameset with more recent or supplementary data for a comprehensive analysis. This can help in understanding current trends and making informed conclusions.

Adhere to Ethical Standards

Ensure that the use of the dataset complies with ethical and legal standards, especially when handling personal data.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004?

The Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 is a comprehensive dataset of Dutch names compiled in 2004, providing detailed information on name popularity, gender distribution, and regional variations.

2. How can I access the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004?

The dataset can be accessed through academic institutions, government databases, online platforms, or through purchase/licensing agreements.

3. What are the main applications of this nameset?

It is used in sociological research, linguistic analysis, computational applications, marketing, and policy-making.

4. What are the limitations of the Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004?

Limitations include potential data incompleteness, temporal relevance issues, regional variations, and data privacy concerns.

5. How does the nameset compare with other global namesets?

Comparing it with other global namesets can provide insights into regional and cultural naming practices, highlighting both differences and similarities.


The Davids Netherlands Nameset 2004 offers a rich source of data for understanding Dutch naming practices and their historical context. Its impact spans various fields, including research, software development, and policy-making. While it provides valuable insights, users should be mindful of its limitations and complement it with additional data for a comprehensive analysis.

What are your thoughts on the evolution of naming practices? Have you explored any other namesets in your research? For more in-depth articles on related topics, check out our other blogs.

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